
Entry (1/2)1  mitendry (tendry)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Vocabulary  3  Music: (in general)
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Mikasika zavamaneno mba hamoahany feo: Mahay mitendry valiha ve ianao? [1.1]
Examples  5  mitendry valiha amin-dranomaso latsain' ny nenina sy akoran' ny sakaizany. [1.437#]
6  Ny iray mitendry valiha, ny iray mirebika eo atn-povoan-trano, ary ny sisa mitehaka. [2.649#]
7  Present :
8  Past :
9  Future :
10  Imperative :
Compound words 

Entry (2/2)12  mitendry
Part of speech  13  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  14  Mihinana maraina [1.78]
Compound words 

Updated on 2023/09/28